Paradise Ecumenical Action
“Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and
will raise the foundations of many generations;
you will be called repairer of walls and restorer of streets.”
(Isaiah 58:12)
"The great knot of history is approaching. Open your eyes and see the state of the world today."
(O Pão N. de C. Dia. p. 49)
7. The Transition
Period between one evolutionary cycle and the next, where a series of events will enable convergence. In the current cycle, the transition began in the 1930s, when the Divine design for the creation of the last religion took place; in the 1940s, manuscripts of the Scriptures reappear, the construction of the first and second foundations of Paradise begins and the State of Israel is created; in the 1950s, the construction of the first and second foundations is completed, the land is acquired for the construction of the third and more manuscripts are discovered.
In 1995, the construction of the fourth foundation of Paradise began, in Brazil, the first on Western soil; In 2004, the construction of the third foundation was completed, which had its land acquired in 1951.
In the city of Saraburi, the fifth foundation of Paradise, the Sacred Ground of Thailand, was built, inaugurated in 1996. Currently, the construction of another foundation is underway, this time on the African continent, in the city of Cacuaçu. The transition period is also marked by transformations in the Material World that can generate calamities, diseases and, unfortunately, wars.
8. The Final Judgement
There are those who take precautions by building bunkers, worried about cataclysms. This is a valid measure, dictated by logical, rational, intelligent thinking. This pleases God, because after all, it was one of His objectives - that man should develop his intellect to a great extent - in addition to maturing the Spiritual World and creating the conditions to transform this world into Paradise.
This measure will not be effective against the selective process that everyone will be subjected to. In this case, whoever is underground, on the surface, or even outside this planet, will share the same fate. It is therefore recommended that you join this security approach and make a contribution similar to the New World Foundation Campaign, now announced, which will turn this planet into a great “Shelter”.
Campaign / Sacred Grounds -
9. The Last Religion
Coming from the nation originating from the descendants of the grandson of Japheth, third son of Noah, the last religion that joins the body of the Church of the Creator, has a strong technical character, it brings with it the methods that will help man to qualify to live in the New world. On June 15, 1931, at the top of Mount Nokogiri, Almighty God assigned the mission of building the fundamental foundations for the establishment of Paradise on Earth, creating ideal conditions for the Arrival of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Born in a nation talented in soil management and cultivation, garden creation, cooking, arts, among others. The Founder of Messiânica received from the Supreme God, Creator of the Universe, the mission, among others, of Master of Works, to execute the largest Foundation Project of Bases for a Building that history had recorded. The Messianic also brings important information that will be the essence of health in the New Age.
​It is extremely important that you do not just believe these words, but that you doubt them and begin a thorough research, a careful investigation. Conducted not only by theologians, but also by experts from the most diverse areas of human knowledge, mainly scientists and scholars from various fields of activity.
Essence of health in Paradise -
Messianic -
"And hurry up! For the human physical body still enjoys a reasonably short life cycle." Ecumenical