Paradise Ecumenical Action
“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”
(Genesis 1:29)
“How foolish is he who tries to cure a disease without knowing its true cause!”
(O Pão N. de C. Dia. p. 302)
The Truth About Health
“When we talk about health, what we must know, first of all, is that its essence consists of obedience and respect for Nature. First of all, we must ask ourselves: for what purpose did God create the human being? According to our interpretation, it was to build a world full of Truth, Good and Beauty (...).
Consequently, their responsibility is truly enormous, and the fundamental condition for carrying out this great work is health. Thus, God has assigned a mission to each person, and logically grants them the health necessary to fulfill it. Indeed, if they lose their health, God’s sacred purpose will not be achieved.
Taking this logic as a basis and reflecting deeply, we will conclude that health is the original state of the human being and should be normal. Therefore, it is surprising that he becomes ill so easily, that is, that his body enters a state of abnormality.
In this sense, what do we discover when we analyze the abnormal state of the human body? We discover that this state is due to actions contrary to nature. In view of this, true medicine is that which restores the normality of the human body by perceiving such actions and correcting them.
We must therefore think carefully about what unnatural errors we are committing that lead to the occurrence of abnormalities called diseases, which impede human activity. This is a point that deserves deep reflection on the part of humanity.”
Messianic - Foundation of Paradise, v.3 (revised edition - excerpts)
"One obstacle to the gradual extension of the lifespan of the human physical body in the next evolutionary stage lies in contemporary bad eating habits. Current medicine already has a good understanding of one part - the material aspect - and has timidly begun to warn people about the risk of a diet based on ultra-processed foods and conventional agricultural products contaminated by pesticides.
But there is another aspect that is just as important, if not more so, that science has not yet been able to understand: the invisible, spiritual part.
All foods that come from nature, in addition to the nutrients that meet the body's physical needs, also have a kind of ethereal energy. A primordial energy that harmonizes with the vital energy of the human being.
A full understanding of this principle and the re-adaptation to correct eating practices will help maintain good health and consequently a long life. This will align us a little more with the Divine purpose of eliminating the three evils (*) and the five impurities (**)."
Therefore, the recipe from Heaven to increase the lifespan of the human physical body consists of:
1) the practices outlined in theme four;
2) the constant search to eliminate the three evils and the five impurities;
3) the essence of health indicated in theme nine.​​
(*) Three evils:
1 - insatiability;
2 - anger;
3 - ignorance.
(**) Five impurities:
1 - dissemination of all that is impure in time and space;
2 - spread of wrong concepts and wicked thoughts;
3 - reflection of the three evils;
4 - weakening of the spirit and body and degeneration of dignity;
5 - shortening of human life.