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The concept of religion is a system of beliefs, practices and values ​​that unites people around a common understanding of the sacred and the transcendent.

There is much debate about the real etymological origin of the word “religion”.

One of them believes that it arose from the combination of the prefix re, which functions as an intensifier of the word that follows it, in this case ligare, which means “to unite” or “to tie”.

In this space (site/clouds) we will treat religion as an administration of the Creator to manage his noblest creature - man -. The main administrative functions, in the human concept, are: planning, organization, direction and supervision.

We believe that Divine planning organized man into ethnicities, especially beliefs (religions), to develop his spiritual and material evolution; Successful in this objective, and still in this sense, now, the great Founder and CEO - Almighty God - will implement some measures as part of His management.

Know this: in the last days terrible times will come. Men will be selfish, covetous, presumptuous, arrogant, blasphemous, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, impious, without love for their family, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, cruel, enemies of good, traitors, hasty, arrogant, more lovers of pleasure than friends of God, having a form of godliness, but denying its power. Stay away from those too. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)


“I came into this world for judgment,
so that the blind may see, and the seeing may become blind.” (John 9:39)


"In the midst of dark stones, one sees radiating science from the bases, firmament of the Great Temple of the Day."


"The jesuits brought religion; now, through Itabuna, the Creator sends a message to His church."

Paradise Action

“A time when nothing will be able to hide, not even the smallest sins and blemishes. This is what the Crystalline World is”

“Yīgè shénme dōu wúfǎ yǐncáng de shídài, jíshǐ shì zuìxiǎo de zuì'è hé xiácī yě wúfǎ yǐncáng. Zhè jiùshì shuǐjīng shìjiè”
   (O Pão N. de C. Dia. 6th ed., 2000. p. 115)

Website translated from PT-BR by App, see original:


arabe bandeira.png
The convex vision drives them away. The Ecumenical
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©2024, June. Paradise Action.

Itabuna (Black Stone)* - Bahia - Brazil

*Its name is derived from the Tupi terms ita (stone), aba (proximities [of a place], surroundings) and una (black), thus meaning "place of black stone(s)".

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